Friday, December 19, 2008

On the 19th Day of Christmas...

Today was our class Christmas party at the preschool, and I intended to get a picture or two of that to post for today's installment. However, anyone who has ever dealt with groups of children at any type of party knows that it was far to chaotic for me to even remember I had gotten my camera out, let alone sneak in a picture or two. So instead I give you:

The Loot: Grande Finale
This is the rest of what I brought home from the staff Christmas party last week:
* 2 dish towel, 2 pot holder Christmas kitchen set
* body butter
* Skin So Soft lotions
* an emery board
* 3 ornaments
And a partridge in a pear tree. Not really, but it sure seemed like it. The actual Dirty Santa gift I received contained the kitchen set pictured above, the Christmas tree, and the angel ornament. Everything else was gravy - little tokens that some of the staff gave out to everyone.

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