Saturday Hodge-podge
August 5-11
Sunday, August 5, 2007 - my reward for sticking with the exercise plan all week - a happy meal! And Celeste claimed the toy right away.
Monday, August 6, 2007 - my new student. So far he's a very quiet and easy going child.
Tuesday, August 7, 2007 - Frank's last day of preschool. He's a full-time kindergartener now.
Wednesday, August 8, 2007 - ice cream for afternoon snack!Thursday, August 9, 2007 - the dragon kite hanging from the ceiling at the dojo.
Friday, August 10, 2007 - Hubby "cooked" supper.Saturday, August 11, 2007 - roadside morning glory I saw when I went for my walk this morning.
This is the first row that came to mind this morning when I realized I hadn't even thought of this week's theme all week.
Must have been the omelet I made myself for breakfast this morning.

As for the shiny sink, 5 days out of 7 is not too shabby! I'm still having trouble with the unloading of the dishwasher part. That's why I ended up with 2 days of dishes in the sink.
As for this week's new goal, I'm going to set aside 15 minutes (at least) every morning for prayer and scripture reading. I think that will really help me to go into my days with a more positive outlook. I'm not a negative person, but I do have a tendency toward pessimism.
Nice shot for the theme. Mine is on eggs too. Happy Weekend!
love the eggs--I'm going to go and make an omelette now!!
Great job on your habits so far. Starting out your day in scripture is great. I need to work on that one too. Great photos. Good luck this week!
Walking around the neighborhood at night sounds like a GREAT habit! Once we get into our new neighborhood I think I might borrow that habit from ya! Hope you have a great and SMART week!
Sounds like you have some great habits going. Good luck this week!!
Good job!!! Great habits to implement!!
Great job! We have a dog that goes stir crazy without an evening walk. I actually look forward to getting out of the house now....I just wish I didn't have to cover myself in mosquito repellant every night! It's miserably hot in August here, but soon it will cool down...
man I need to do the dishes everynight. good job on your habits
Great photo and good last minute thinking. Have a happy weekend.
good luck...I think taking time for yourself to read scripture first thing in the morning is the right way to start the day.......have a great week.
The Word is always a great place to start your day.
Have a great week!
Mmmm! Eggs!
Congrats on your Happy Meal (what a great idea!)...
Thanks so much for visiting from Michele's... and for your kind comment!
I can't remember for sure but think you are the third one who used eggs for this theme photo. . . each in a different way! Eggs didn't even occur to me. . . of course after you put yours up, you usually think of others you could have used. It has been fun to get to the majority of sites this time -- only a couple would not open for me. Been a long job and that's why I am so late posting on yours.
Come and see mine -- I ahve 4 different ones.
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